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Navigating Your Legal Career: Part 5 – Building an Effective CV

By Trevin Sewell

A well-crafted CV, or resume, is a crucial tool for legal professionals seeking new opportunities. This blog provides tips on how to create an effective CV that highlights your skills, experience, and achievements in a clear and professional manner.

Keep It Simple and Professional

Your CV should be concise and focused. Avoid overly complex designs or unnecessary details. A simple, professional format ensures that your key qualifications and accomplishments are easily accessible to the reader.

Highlight Key Achievements

Showcase your significant cases, transactions, and projects. Whether it’s a landmark case or a high-value transaction, highlighting these achievements can demonstrate your expertise and the impact of your work. Use bullet points to list these accomplishments for better readability.

Use Clear and Consistent Headings

Organize your CV with clear and consistent headings. Use sections such as “Professional Experience,” “Education,” “Skills,” and “Certifications” to structure your information logically. This helps hiring managers quickly navigate through your CV and find the information they need.

Tailor Your CV to the Job

Customize your CV for each job application. Emphasize the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the specific position you’re applying for. This shows that you’ve taken the time to understand the job requirements and align your qualifications accordingly.

Include Relevant Keywords

Incorporate relevant keywords from the job description into your CV. This can help your CV pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and increase the chances of it being seen by a hiring manager. Keywords might include specific legal skills, practice areas, or software proficiencies.

Proofread for Accuracy

Ensure your CV is free of grammatical and spelling errors. Errors can create a negative impression and suggest a lack of attention to detail. Take the time to proofread your CV carefully or ask a trusted colleague to review it for you.

Keep Personal Details to a Minimum

Include only essential personal details such as your name, contact information, and LinkedIn profile. Avoid adding photos, personal interests, or excessive personal information that does not pertain to your professional qualifications.

A well-crafted CV is a critical tool for advancing your legal career. By following the tips we’ve listed above, you can create a compelling CV that showcases your qualifications and sets you apart from other candidates.

Remember, your CV is often the first impression you make on a potential employer, so make it count.

Looking for personalized guidance on advancing your legal career? Contact Trevin Sewell ( For more legal industry insights, subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Missed previous posts in this series? Catch up here:

Part 1: Key strategies for Success.

Part 2: The Importance of Investing in Yourself.

Part 3: Building Strong Professional Relationships.

Part 4: Exploring New Opportunities.

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