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Legal Market Experts

At Smith Legal Search, we pride ourselves on knowing the legal market better than anyone else. Our database is the most comprehensive resource in the market; but data alone does not provide solutions – it is the combination of our data, analytics, and market analysis that affords our clients the opportunity to identify, approach, and successfully recruit the best available legal talent in our market.

In addition to legal recruitment services, we often receive requests from our clients for speaking engagements, tailored strategic advice and talent management solutions, and expert opinions.

woman presenting charts

Strategic Hiring

Together, we estimate we’ve interviewed over 7,000 lawyers – in doing so, we’ve been able to identify trends on what motivates lawyers: from what inspires them, to why they stay, to what causes them to take on leadership roles in an organization.

We’ve also identified what may cause disengagement, why they get frustrated, why they may leave, and when they might be open to considering opportunities in market.  This level of granular market intelligence is what sets us apart, as it ensures our clients are best equipped to approach the legal market in making a strategic hire.

Book Us For Your Next Event

Not surprisingly, we are frequently sought out for speaking engagements, from conferences to law firm retreats, and media interviews.  If you think your organization may benefit from having one of our consultants speak at your next event, you can inquire about booking Warren Smith or one of our recruiters.

Warren Smith, LL.B.

Expert Advice, Trusted by the Courts

Our Managing Partner, Warren Smith, is frequently called upon by the courts to provide expert opinion evidence on matters related to lawyer compensation and career issues, often in cases involving personal injury or divorce.

To discuss you or your client’s situation and see whether expert opinion evidence may be appropriate, please contact Warren for a confidential discussion.

woman explaining compensation structure

Developing Competitive Compensation Structures

In addition to legal recruitment services, Smith Legal Search has assisted law firms and corporations in developing competitive compensation structures, partnership models, and facilitated the purchase and sale of practices.

Backed by nearly 20 years of market experience, and having worked with nearly every major law firm, we offer tailored solutions to address a wide range of law firm and talent management issues your firm, organization, or legal department may require.

Contact an Expert Today