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Navigating Your Legal Career: Part 1 – Key Strategies for Success

By Trevin Sewell

The legal profession is a dynamic and challenging field that requires careful career planning and strategic decision-making. Whether you’re a student, associate, or partner, understanding where to go, when to move, and what to look for are crucial questions that can shape your career trajectory.

This blog, part one in our Navigating Your Legal Career series, delves into these important career strategies, offering insights and advice to help you navigate your professional journey in the legal industry.

Asking the Right Questions

During my recent presentation at the Trial Lawyers of BC: The Business of Law Conference, I had the opportunity to engage with students, associates, and partners in the Vancouver legal market. One common theme in our conversations was the importance of asking the right questions about career progression. Questions like “Where should I go?”, “When should I move?”, and “What should I look for?” are essential to making informed career decisions.

My Journey to Legal Recruitment

My path to becoming a legal recruiter is unconventional but filled with valuable lessons. Before joining Warren Smith (Managing Partner of Smith Legal Search), I was a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, running my own practice in BC’s Fraser Valley. However, by 2017, I realized that my true passion lay elsewhere. It wasn’t until 2019, when I connected with Warren, that I found my calling in legal recruitment. This career shift allowed me to combine my love for helping others with my newfound passion for guiding legal professionals in their career paths.

Investing in Yourself

One key takeaway from my journey is the importance of investing in yourself. To advance in your legal career, you need to have confidence in your abilities and be willing to learn new skills. Taking online courses, attending seminars, and continuously seeking knowledge are vital steps in this process. Sometimes, making yourself uncomfortable by tackling challenges, such as public speaking, can lead to significant personal and professional growth.

Building Strong Professional Relationships

In the legal field, building strong professional relationships is essential. When starting your articles at a firm, absorb knowledge like a sponge and form meaningful connections with colleagues and mentors. Strategic networking can open doors to new opportunities and help you navigate your career path more effectively. Engaging with experts in various fields can provide valuable insights into the opportunities available and the potential clients you can serve.

Exploring New Opportunities

Exploring new opportunities is a critical aspect of career growth. Whether you’re considering a move to a new firm or pivoting in-house, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons. Engage in initial conversations with potential employers to understand what they offer in terms of partnership tracks, specialization opportunities, and mentorship. These discussions can provide a refreshing perspective and lead to exciting career developments.

Specialization: Enhancing Your Legal Expertise

Our clients often prefer lawyers who are specialists. Specializing in a particular area of law can enhance your reputation and open doors to new and exciting cases. If your current firm doesn’t support your desire to specialize, it may be time to explore other opportunities that align with your career goals. Building a niche expertise can make you a go-to professional in your field and significantly boost your career prospects.


Navigating your legal career requires strategic planning, continuous learning, and building strong professional relationships. By asking the right questions, investing in yourself, exploring new opportunities, and specializing in your field, you can shape a successful and fulfilling career in the legal industry. Remember, career progression is not a race; it’s a journey that requires patience, dedication, and a willingness to embrace new challenges.

For personalized advice on navigating your legal career, connect with me, Trevin Sewell at Interested in receiving more career tips and legal industry insights? Sign up for our newsletter.

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